Normal Delivery

What are the benefits of normal delivery?

The benefits of vaginal delivery include:
. short hospital stays
. low infection rates
. quick recovery compared to caesarean
. babies have a lower risk of suffering from respiratory problems
. no post-surgical hemorrhaging

What are the risks of normal vaginal delivery ?

The risks a mother may face before and during the normal vaginal delivery include:
. rupture of the uterus
. fetal distress (for example reduced oxygen supply to the baby)
. vaginal tear
. tears in the perineum, i.e. the soft tissue between the vulva and the anus
. umbilical cord prolapse which occurs when the cord comes out before the baby
. if the mother suffers from any infections, it may be passed on from the mother to the child
. the baby is emerging buttocks/feet first (breech position)
. the baby is emerging shoulder first
. there is more than one baby
. the size of the baby is big
. cephalopelvic disproportion (when a baby cannot fit through a pelvis due to the small size of the mother's pelvis)
. undetected placenta previa, meaning the placenta covers the cervix
The risks a mother may face after a normal vaginal delivery include:
. damage to the pelvic floor due to which the woman may suffer from temporary or chronic pelvic pain
. pelvic organ prolapse which occurs when the bladder, uterus and/or rectum protrude into the vagina or outside the vaginal opening
. retained placenta
. urinary leakage with sudden coughing, sneezing, or laughing post delivery
. postpartum haemorrhage
. anaesthesia (if used) related complications