
Nishanta  Environmental  Technology   Co.  Limited,  Kolkata  is  a company   incorporated   with   the   Registrar   Of   Companies,   West Bengal under the Companies Act 1956, as a limited company in the year 2010. November.

The company was formed with a principal to provide the people a fresh breath in a pollution free environment and also for reducing consumption of fuel, which is increasing day by day in abrupt manner. The motto was also to reduce the import of crude oil by reducing per capita fuel consumption in order to save indirectly the precious Foreign Exchange for the National Interest.

Serious effort was put by the RAD Scientists of the company to get a product which would fulfill the desires of every human being towards cost reduction. The company achieved its goal after hard and enthusiastic labour by the scientific and technical staffs to find out a solution in the form of NU WORLD catalyst additive.

The company has got patent (Patent No. 235992) for this product from Indian Government.