Pharmacon Vet Pvt. Ltd.

+91 62901 26380

Pharmacon Vet Pvt. Ltd.

Medicine for Aqua

Aqua Section

Our Medicine for Aqua

Privita Powder
PMV Gold
Calcimilk Gold


Product Description: Vitaprotin-DS

Vitamins and Minerals Feed Supplement for livestock, poultry and fish.(provides all essential vitamins, minerals and amino acid)
Nutritional value per 500 gm. :
Calcium 90 gm.
Calcium Phosphate 25mg
Copper - 1 mg
Cobalt 80 mg
lodine - 100 mg
Manganese 1.5 gm.
Iron 1500 mg.
Zinc 3.3 gm.
Niacinamide 50 mg.
Magnesium 100 mg
Cal Panthoenate 50 mg.
DL-Methionine - 200 mg
L-Lysine-HCL 2.5 gm.
Choline 200 mg
Vit. A 140000 i.u.
Vit. B1 8 mg.
Vit. B2 200 mg.
Vit. B6 80 mg.
Vit. B12 8 mg
Vit. D3 15000 i.u.
Vit. E 40 mcg.
Vit. K 50 mg.
Antioxidant Q.S.
Stimulates growth & production. Maintains normal health and reproduction . Improves feed conversion . Silent heat problem.Maintains high milk yield and egg production.. More weight gains. Maintenance of pregnancy.
Administration: Daily with feed.
Livestock : Cattle, Buff & Horses : 20 to 30 gms. daily.
Calf, Sheep, Goat & Pig : 10 to 15 gms.daily.
Poultry :(Layers & Broilers) 5 gms./kg. of feed.
Fish :1 kg./100 kg. of feed Or as directed by the Veterinarian.
PRESENTATION: 500 gm., 1 kg., 2.5 kg


Product Description: Privita

Feed Supplement for Poultry and Livestock.
Nutritional Value per 5 gm. :
Vitamin A 50,000 i.u.
Vitamin D3 5,000 i.u.
Vitamin E 5 mg.
Vitamin B12 50 mcg.
Lactobacillus 300 million
Apply of lactobacillus vitamin absorption rate in very high . Apply oflactobacillus loose motion and bloat form dose not arise . Apply of lactobacillus it helps proper digestion and metabolism.
. Builds up body resistance to infection. Keep birds healthy. Stimulates growth & production. Provides strength & stamina during vaccination,debeaking, deworming, climatic changes, transporation, prolapse, dystocia & cage fatigue & maintains normal fertility in male & female.
Regular use of Privita increases milk production and fat contents of milk.
Livestock : Cattle : Small Animal : 5 gm. to 10 gm. daily.
Large Animal : 10 gm. to 20 gm. daily.
Poultry : 500 gm. to 1 kg. per ton of feed.Or as directed by the Veterinarian.
PRESENTATION: 100 gm., 500 gm., 1 kg.


Product Description: PMV GOLD

Glycine Chelated Minarals and Vitamin High quality Feed Supplement for Livestock, Poultry & Fish.
Nutritional value per kg.:
Vitamin A 800000 I.U.
Vitamin D3 80000 IU.
Vitamin E 250 mg
Nicotinamide 1000 mg
Copper 1500 mg.
Cobalt 150 mg
Magnesium 6000 mg
Iron 1500 mg.
Zinc 9600 mg.
Manganese 1500 mg.
Calcium 25.5%
Phosphorus 12.75 %
Sulphur 0.72%
Sodium 5.9 mg.
Potassium 100 mg
Chromium 3 mcg.
Selenium 10 mg
Lactobacillus 3000 million
Antioxidant qs.
Stimulates growth & production.Maintains normal health and reproduction.Improves feed conversion.Silent heat problem.Maintains high milk yield and egg production.Maintains of pregnancy.More weight gains.Improves fat percentage in milk.
Livestock : Cattle, Buffalo & Horse : 20 gm. to 30 gm. daily.
Calf, Sheep, Goat & Pig : 10 gm. to 20 gm. daily.
Poultry : Chicks : 5 gm./kg. of feed
Fish : 1 Kg./100 kg of feed.Or as directed by the Veterinarian.
PRESENTATION: 500 gm., 1 kg. 5 kg.


Product Description: Digecon

Digestive Enzyme with carminative feed supplement for Poultry and Livestock.
Nutritional value per 10 ml.:
Diastase (1 : 2000) 90 mg
Pancreatin 2.5 mg
Papain 50 mg
Ajwain Oil 0.06 ml.
Sorbitol (70%) 1.25 gm.
Thymol 8 mg.
Tincture Nuxvomica 0.020 ml.
Tincture Cardamon 0.010 ml.
Niacinamide 9.5 mg
Caramel Colour Q.S.
Prevents evacuation of undigested feed materials through faeces thus stop Nutritional Crisis. It favours liquefying dead tissue enzymatic debridement in abscess in otitis, hematoma. foul in the food & mastits.Prevent Gastritis, Gastralgia, Improve dyspepsia, Prevents malnutrition due to poultry diet, Prevents hyperacidity, Prevents Flatulence.Stimulates Carbohydrate Metabolism, Stimulates Appetite, Improve digestion Chronic Dyspepsia Gastritis, Indigestive of protein,Carbohydrate, Fat.
Livestock: Dog: 10 ml. twice daily. Cattle, Horse : 20-50 ml. twice daily,Calf, Sheep & Goat: 10-15 ml. twice daily to be given with feed or water.
Poultry : 10-15 ml. / 100 birds daily. Or as directed by the Veterinarian.
PRESENTATION:100 ml., 200 ml., 450 ml., 1 Ltr., 5 Ltr.


Product Description: Livolysin(Vet)

Liquid feed supplement for Livestock, Poultry and Fish
Nutritional value per 10 ml.
L-Lysine-HCL 90 mg.
DL-Methionine 1.3 mg
Vit. A 2500 i.u.
Vit. E 0.5 mg
Vit. D 250 i.u.
Vit. B1 1.1 mg.
Vit. B2 - 1.2 mg
Vit. B6 - 0.7 mg
Vit. B12 12 mcg
Niacinamide 7.5 mg
Cal Panthothenate - 2.5 mg
Sorbital (70%) 250 mg.
Caramel Colour Q.S.
Livestock: Improves Liver functions. Improves skin & fur condition.Improves appetite growth and erythropoiesis. Improves immunity and synthesises immunoglobulin. Synthesis neurohormone, Improves nerve function and conditions animals, specially dogs and racing horses.
Poultry: Protected non-Specific chick mortality. Stimulates growth.Improves feed utilisation. Improves weight gain. Improves hatchability.Stimulates Egg production.
Livestock : Small Animal : 10 to 20 ml. twice daily. Large Animal : 20 to 50 ml. twice daily
Poultry : Chick: 15 ml./100 birds daily, Layer:15 ml./100 birds daily. Growers/Broilers: 25 ml./100 birds daily.
Fish : 50-100 ml./kg. of feed Or as directed by the Veterinarian.
100 ml., 200 ml., 450 ml., 1 Ltr., 5 Ltr.


Product Description: Calcimilk

Liquid Calcium Feed Supplement for Livestock, Poultry and Fish.
Nutritional value per 10 ml.:
Calcium Gluconate 100 mg
Calcium Phosphate 960 mg
Calcium Lactate 50 mg
Vit. A Palmitate 3000 i.u.
Vit. D3 2500 i.u.
Vit B12 10 mcg.
Niacinamide 15 mg
Erythrosine Colour Q.S.
Suspension base to 10 ml.
Prevents milk fever and improves milk synthesis in-high yielders and lactating animals. Improves haemopoiesis and overall growth. Ensures better structural growth and stability. Improves the eggs production.Helps calcification of bones and eggs.
Livestock : Cattle & Horse : 50 ml. to 100 ml. twice daily.
Calf, Sheep, Goat and Pig : 20 ml. to 50 ml. twice daily.
Dog : 5 ml. to 10 ml. twice daily.
Poultry : 100 ml./100 Birds daily.
Fish : 100 ml./kg. of feed.Or as directed by the Veterinarian.
PRESENTATION: 100 ml., 500 ml., 1 Ltr., 2 Ltr., 5 Ltr.


Product Description: Calcimilk Gold

Liquid Calcium, Phosphorus, Glycin Chelated Trace Minerals & Vitamin With Herbal Extract feed suppliment for Livestock, Poultry and Fish.
Nutritional value per 100 ml.:
Calcium 3500 mg.1750 mg
Phosphorus 1750 mg
Vitamin A 160000 i.u.
Vitamin D 20000 i.u.
Vitamin B2 200 mcg.
Zinc 150 mg
Cobalt 75 mg.
Copper 75 mg.
Herbal Galactagogue 1.5 gm.
Chromium 10 mg.
Carbohydrate 40000 mg.
Colour Tartazine.
Mango Flavour
Prevents milk fever and improves milk synthesis in-high yieldersd and lactating animals. Improves haemopoiesis and overall growth. Ensure better structural growth and stability. Improves egg production. Healps is calcification of bones and egg.
Livestock: Cattle & Buffalo: 50 ml. to 100 ml. daily
Calf, Sheep, Goat & Pig: 20 ml. to 50 ml daily
Poultry : 100 ml./100 birds
Fish : 100 ml./kg. of feed.Or as directed by the Veterinarian.
PRESENTATION: 1 Lt, 2 Lt., 5 Lt. 500ml