Antardarson Psycho Social Rehabilitation Centre

Donations are exempted from Income Tax under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961.

About Antardarson

Antardarson is a psycho-social rehabilitation centre. It has been servicing for a long period for mentally ill persons in an own building.

Antardarson is a secular non-political non-governmental, non-profitable registered society by a group of trained psychiatric social workers. Educated locals having real interest and commitment to serve the people who are need.

Antardarson works to inspire the mental health and quality of life of the mentally disabled persons.

Antardarson is a community-based rehabilitation centre. Here every people live in homely atmosphere as a community member and get social support.

Generally after getting long treatment from hospital or nursing home the chronic mentally ill persons have got some new hospital syndrome. They have lost their abilities to live in society. Antardarson takes care to promote those abilities. For this Aantardarson provides treatment to those in homely atmosphere among the communities. Antardarson feels that mentally ill persons are also a part of society, they should live in the society their treatment should be made keeping them into society freely. To fulfill these feelings Antardarson has been established in 2001.