: About Workshops :

Form the very beginning ASHOKENAGAR NATYAMUKH, a theatre is a kind of platform where all other artistic media get united at care. It is not the fact that on the basic of this belief we are always competent to continue theatre through multi-disciplinary practice became Ashoknagar is a small suburb, 45 km away from Kolkata. Here with almost half- literate and illiterate boys and girls the work of theatre is going on. However, it is next to impossible. As a result we have to pass it somehow. Although having overcome their unfavorable conditions, we have formed a group and have been organizing small workshops for long fifteen years. The main objective of these workshops is to prepare a theatre artist as a whole and to open a new door to him or her. For examples, we have worked with RONEN CHAKRABORTY in the field of MIME, with famous FOLK-ARTIST and SINGER SUVENDU MAITI in the realm of LOKESANGEET and later with KASBA ARGYA and MANISH MITRA. Besides we have worked with well-known theatre personality like Devsankar Haldar and Kousik sen, and later with Bratya Basu , Shaoli Mitra ,Probir Guha , Arpita Ghosh. But we have felt as well that this type of workshops for a few days or a week only leaves more remnants of festive mood only leaves more remnants of festive mood than establishing the effective steps of acting. The remnants also become faded away slowly with the fleeting time and proper learning remains beyond our reach.

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