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    About Us | Coronary Artery Disease| History of Coronary Intervention | Femoral Approach | The Radial Approach
  Why Radial? | Technical Points | Hardles in Radial Intervention | Coronary Cannulation | Coronary Interventions


       Coronary intervention is being practised for last 35 years from the era of Andrew Gruentzig. The procedure is being mostly performed through the femoral route. However it is frequently associated with complications like local hematoma, bleeding blood transfusion and even death. For this reason, search for a alternate route of entry was going on. Radial Artery is the most suitable alternate route of entry for Endovascular Intervention. Local complications like Hematoma, Bleeding and blood transfusion are negligible. Patient’s discomfort is nil. However it requires operator’s experience and learning curve. Radial Intervention is accepted worldwide as a primary route for endovascular treatment. Nowadays this modern treatment facility is available in Kolkata.

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