Udichi ENT Head & Neck Centre Pvt. Ltd.

P-188, Block B, Lake Town, Kolkata – 700089

Monday to Saturday 10.00AM - 7.00PM, Sunday Closed

Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Snoring is a very common problem affecting most of the people above 40 years or even earlier and is more common in males. The sound of snoring normally originates due to the vibration of uvula and soft palate and other soft tissues in the mouth which is usually due to a turbulent air flow through the nose and mouth when nose is blocked. Sometimes snoring is associated with Sleep Apnea when breathing is completely stopped for a period of 20 seconds or more leading to repeated awakening and restlessness (breath hunger) during the entire sleep period. This will eventually cause daytime sleepiness, extreme lassitude due to raised carbon du oxide level in blood and generalised poor performance in individual’s profession. Untreated OSA may result into serious medical conditions including right heart failure.

Polysomnography or sleep study is a common test which is performed by a machine attached to the patient’s body by several electrodes overnight at the patient’s home; it detects the changes in patient’s breathing patterns, oxygen saturation, number and duration of apnoeic attacks at night and many more. The data obtained from this test indicates the severity of the disease and the treatment policy is planned accordingly.

Snoring Treatment

Life style modification is the mainstay of treatment in OSA, that includes active physical exercise, reduction in calorie intake including alcohol and consequent reduction in body weight and overall body fat. CPAP is small portable gadget attached to the face of the patient through a mask delivers air to the respiratory tract via nose and mouth in positive pressure and gives an excellent releif from OSA symptoms. There are various surgical techniques which also can be undertaken to correct the obstructive features and offer significant success rates. Septoplasty with turbinoplasty, Tonsillectomy, Laser assisted Uvulopalatoplasty etc are few examples which are done in UDICHI operation theatre.

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