Sahomormi Charitable Trust

Sahomormi Charitable Trust

A Care centre for Old Age Disorder where bonding is Perfect & Persons find Home away from Home!

Care Center - Bose Para Kader Asram, Kodalia, Kolkata - 700146

Call + 91 98301 74963 / 87774 34254 / 94326 69831

Please make an appointment before visit

Our Facilities

We thus assure you at Sahomormi Charitable Trust Care Homes, we provide 24/7 care in comfort smilingly, that might not be possible at home. Inmates get the real flavor of Personal Care you are looking for in the following array of our Facilities-

Accommodation Airy Rooms with Single/Double/Multiple Beds.

Yoga Exercises/Music Therapy/Group Activity, Indoor games, e.g. cards, Chess, Ludo, Scrabble etc.

Healthy Breakfast, Lunch. Tea, Dinner in regulated time cooked under Dieticians Supervision.

Attendants for Normal Day to Day Care. Special AAttendants available on Payment: 24/7 CARE,

Clean Toilets: Regularly Washed

Cleaned Beds, Fans in adequate no. safe space for personal belongings.

Physiotherapy, Nursing Care, and Check up Doctors on call on regular basis: Direct link with reputed Hospitals in the City.

CCTV is Installed

Well Guarded Security of Residents managing restriction of entry of outsiders and exit of residents

Well connected Persons / Advisors in the Management Committee, and connection with more than a dozen Senior Citizen Associations, and other social organizations like Help age India ARDSI, CMIG & Social Welfare Dept. Govt. of west Bengal

Cultural/ Musical sessions / Group counseling/ Outdoor Tours.

Facilities of Video chat with Family Members, if wanted, to fill the void.

We have 40 Numbers Capacity at present.