About Knee Replacement Surgery
Types of Knee Replacements
First Consultancy
Conditons for Knee Replacement
Preparation for Surgery
Types of Implants
Post Operative Treatment
After Surgery
Exercise Program After Surgery
After Discharge from Hospital
Risks & Complications
Exercise Program After Surgery :
The physiotherapist at the Education Class, to enable you to commence the exercise before your surgery, will demonstrate a home exercise program. This will help strengthen the muscles and keep joints mobile, reduce the risk of blood clots, prevent chest infection and subsequently assist to speed your recovery.

Breathing Exercises

Regular deep breathing and coughing practiced in the seated position will help keep your lungs clear and free from congestion and reduce the risk of infection. Take ten deep breaths, holding each breath for 3 seconds, followed by a strong cough each hour. Smokers should stop smoking two weeks prior to their surgery, so the lungs will be cleared of phlegm, as to reduce the risk of chest complications following surgery.

Activity program after surgery

Exercise is a critical component of your recovery, particularly during the first few weeks after surgery. You should be able to resume most normal light activities of daily living within three to six weeks after surgery. Some discomfort with activity, and at night, is common for several weeks.

Your activity program, which begins during your hospital stay, should include:

  • A graduated walking program initially in your home and later outside.
  • Walking program to stowing increases your mobility and endurance
  • Resuming other normal household activities
  • Resuming sitting, standing, walking up and down stairs
  • Specific exercise several times a day to restore movement
  • Specific exercise several times a day to strengthen your hip joint
  • Outpatient physiotherapy

When walking up the stairs, you always put your non-operated leg up first, then followed by your operated leg and walking aid together.

When walking down the stairs, you need to put the operated leg and walking aid down first, and then followed by your non-operated leg.

How is your new knee different

You may feel numbness in the skin around the incision. You also may feel some stiffness, particularly with excessive bending. These differences often diminish with time and most patients find these are minor compared to the pain and limited function they experienced before surgery.

Your new knees may activate metal detectors required for security in airports and some buildings. Tell the security agent about your knee replacement if the alarm is activated. You may also ask your orthopedic surgeon for a card confirming that you have an artificial knee.

After surgery, make sure you also do the following:
  • Participate in a regular tight exercise program to maintain proper strength and mobility of your new knee.
  • Take special precautions to avoid fall and injuries
  • Notify your dentist that you have had a knee replacement. You should be given antibiotics before all dental surgery for the rest of your life.
  • Should you sustain cuts or abrasions on the leg ensure that they receive proper medical attention. Infections from sores or wounds in the leg could cause an infection in the knee joint.
  • Urine infections should also receive prompt medical attention
  • See your orthopedic surgeon for routine follow-up examinations and x-rays.
Before leaving the hospital:

Your doctor will discharge you from hospital depending on your condition and mobility.

  • Getting out of bed and a chair
  • Going to the bathroom
  • Attending to your own toilet and showering needs
  • Walking with the assistance of an aid for about 50-60 meters
  • Walking up and down stairs with assistance of an aid
  • Knowing your knee precautions.
We will be giving you:
  • A prescription for your discharge medications
  • A follow up appointment to see your specialist
  • A referral to physiotherapist
  • Form for Doppler test if required.