Phase2 KEMEX workshops & seminars:
  The exercise will be inaugurated on 13th September followed by a city marathon to spread the

13th September

14th September

13th & 14th September

Training of master trainers on medical disaster preparedness for fire services , police personnel from all police stations and fire stations across the city.


Basic Life Support & Basic Trauma Life Support in pre-hospital care 4 sessions of 2hr each (master trainer training)


MDP & ToT on hospital disaster preparedness for hospital administrators from different districts

(master trainer training)

Workshop and consensus discussion involving senior fire department officials and station chiefs. Experience sharing session on CBRN and flood disasters with Thai and Japan ICS team.


Training of trainers of advanced trauma life support and disaster medicine for physicians, surgeons, nurses.


Training of master trainers on medical disaster preparedness for ambulance Services, MPHWs from different districts.

Training of  master trainers on Disaster Risk Reduction   strategies and disaster planning for schools & colleges

Advanced Disaster Life Support(master trainer training)


Mass Gathering Area(Malls,Stadium,Puja Committees) Disaster Risk Reduction   strategies and disaster planning Industrial medical disaster response planning

Workshop to train Master trainers from community on basic disaster life support, search & rescue to empower community first responders

Workshop and consensus session on roles of different agencies and interagency communication in disaster Seminar on quality control & institutional disaster preparedness