Publications (Peer reviewed journals)

  1. Publication patterns of presentation in ORS meetings.
    Roy D, Shankar V, Hughes JP, Jones AS, Fenton JE. Clinical
    2001, June, Vol 26 (3) 253-256.

  2. Citation analysis of Otorhinolaryngology journals.
    Roy D, Hughes JP, Jones AS, Fenton JE.
    Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 2002, May, Vol 116, pp363-366.

  3. A century of citation classics in Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery journals.
    Fenton JE, Roy D, Hughes JP, Jones AS.
    Journal of Otology and Laryngology. 2002, July, Vol 116, pp 494-498.

    Clinical Research

  4. The Role of a home care team in paediatric day case Tonsillectomy.
    Shah C, Shahab R, Robb P, Roy D.
    Journal of Laryngology and Otology, Jan 2001, Vol 115, pp 39-43.

  5. Endoscopic marsupialisation of congenital NLD cyst with dacryocoele.
    Roy D, Guevara N, Santini J, Castillo L.
    Clinical Otolaryngology. 2002, Vol 27, 3, 167-170.

  6. The remucosalizing alar cartilage flap: a reconstruction option for repairing nasal septal perforations.
    Nouraei SAR, Singh CB, Ferguson MS, Young K, Roy D, Philpott JM.
    European Journal of Plastic Surgery (2007) 30:153-157.


  7. Impact factors of ENT journals.
    Roy D, Swift AC, Zaidi S.
    P. Journal of Otolaryngology, June-Sep. 2001,Vol 17, No. 2-3, pages 17-18.


  8. Allergic Rhinitis: Review
    J. Savage, D.Roy
    J R Soc Health. 2005 Jul; 125(4): 172-5.

  9. Tinnitus: An Update.
    Roy D,
    Chopra R.
    JR Soc Health. March 2002, 122(1), pp 21-23.

    Case Reports

  10. Primary extracranial meningioma of soft palate.
    Kishore A, Roy D, Irvine BH.
    Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Feb 2000, Vol 114 , pp 149-150.

  11. Extramedullar plasmacytoma of the submandibular gland.
    Shah C, Roy D, Naronha B.
    Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Dec 2001, Vol.115, 1023-1025.

  12. Inhaled foreign bodies in laryngectomees.
    Kishore A, Roy D.
    Indian Journal of Otolaryngology,Head and Neck surgery. (In Press).

  13. Juvenile Xanthogranuloma of the nose in an adult.
    Gedela VR, Roy D, Swift AC.
    Hospital Medicine
    2002 Sep;63(9):564-5.

  14. Blindness following medial maxillectomy
    Kalavagunta S, Roy D, Fish B, Jackson SR.
    Rhinology 2002 Dec; 40(4):223-5

    Publications ( Non Peer Reviewed )

  15. Intractable unilateral quinsy secondary to impacted foreign body in tonsil.
    Tariq M , Kalan A, Ahmed Shuaib A, Roy D.
    Annals of King Edward Memorial hospital. Vol 7, Issue 2, April-June 2001.


  16. A century of citation classics in Otolaryngology-HNS journals.
    Fenton JE, Roy D, Hughes JP, Jones AS.
    Journal of Otology and Laryngology. 2002, May, Vol.116, p 406.

  17. Heterotopic pleomorphic adenoma of the nose presenting as cosmetic nasal deformity.
    Rokade A , Roy D, Reddy K. (Presentation in Semon's Club-121 meeting)
    Journal of Otology and Laryngology.
    2002, August, Vol.116, pp 650-651.

  18. Opercular syndrome- a diagnostic pitfall in facial nerve paralysis.
    Kalavagunta S, Roy D, Giri W. (Presentation in Semon's Club-121 meeting)
    Journal of Otology and Laryngology. 2002, August, Vol. 116, pp 650-651.

  19. Recurrent benign lesion of the petrous apex.
    Gedela R, Roy D, Santini J. (Presentation in Semon's Club-121 meetmg)
    Journal of Otology and Laryngology. 2002, August, Vol.116, pp 655.

  20. Respiratory distresss in newborn- an unusual case.
    Banerjee A, Roy D, Castillo L. (Presentation in Semon's Club-122 meeting)
    Journal of Otology and Laryngology.
    2002, August, Vol.116, pp 655-656.

  21. Extracorporeal Septorhinoplasty
    Ratnayake, D.Roy
    Journal of Otology and Laryngology (accepted for publication)

  22. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the mastoid
    F.Amen, D.Roy (Presentation at Semon's Club)
    Journal of Otology and Laryngology (accepted for publication)

  23. Rhinoplasty- unsusual complication
    G.Kumar, D.Roy (Presentation at Semon's Club)
    Journal of Otology and Laryngology (accepted for publication)

  24. Head and Neck Fast Track  Audit. Aug 2006.
    A.Sinha, D.Roy
    Journal of Otology and Laryngology (accepted for publication)


  25. Use of surgical instruments and vCJD in France.
    Roy D, Al Jumailly M, Castillo L.
    electronic British Medical Journal, 2001 July

  26. Can Telemedicine reverse the brain drain?
    Journal of Royal Society of Medicine , 2006 Jan;99(l):5.
    Venkatramani V, D.Roy

  27. Percutaneous injection of vocal fold with synthetic dermal filler.
    F.Amen, D.Roy
    Laryngoscope. 2006 May; 116(5):846

  28. Normal hearing tests: is a further appointment really necessary?
    J R Soc Med. 2007 Feb;100(2):66
    G. Kumar, Furrat Amen, D. Roy

  29. New method of construction of obturators for nasal septum perforations and evidence of outcomes.
    S. Yadlapalli, D. Roy
    Clinical Otolaryngology 2007, 32. 399-400

  30. Study of Serum Immunoglobulin E levels in Allergic Rhinitis. (MS THESIS)
    December 1990. Awarded Master of Surgery. Poona University.
    Roy D     Supervisor- Prof. A.R. Bhide.

    Cosmetic Surgery Publications

    Chapter in Books

  31. Botulinum toxin in treatment of hyperfunctional lines of the face.
    D.Roy, R.Cobo.
    Chapter 16, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
    Editors H.Vyuk & P.Lohuis. Hoddard Publications, London.
    Pages 185-192

  32. Facelift.
    D.Roy, G. Botti.
    Chapter 12, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
    Editors H.Vyuk & P.Lohuis. Hoddard Publications, London.
    Pages 123-136

    Feature Article

  33. Injectable Dermal Fillers
    ENT NEWS, Volume 14 Number 6, January/February 2006 page 64-66.