Treatment offered in the following sub-specialities:

  1. Breast cancer

    Breast cancer is a heterogenous disease.  It means behaviour of this cancer is different in different individuals.  It means some breast cancers are aggressive while others are slow growing. Aggressive cancers relapse early and hence tend to have bad results.  While slow growing cancers have good results and patients live long and some of them completely cured.  Breast cancer is diagnosed by FNAC or trucut biopsy.  Early breast cancer is treated by surgery followed by chemotherapy (in most cases)  while locally advanced breast cancer is treated by three to four cycles of chemotherapy followed by surgery then again three to four cycles of chemo and then radiation.

             In early breast cancer a significant number of patients can be treated by conserving breast, where instead of removing full breast, the tumour with some surrounding healthy tissue along with axillary glands are removed. Thus breast is conserved  with excellent cosmetic effect without compromising on the final result.  However, this group would require mandatory post operative radiotherapy.

  2. Oral Cancer

    Oral cancer is subdivided into various site specific cancers eg.  Lip cancer, Cheek cancer, Gum cancer, Palate cancer etc. Surgery is the main treatment.  However, radiotherapy is required in some cases after surgery.  Role of chemotherapy in oral cancer in limited.  Many early oral cancers can be  completely cured by surgery alone.  The overall cure rate of oral cancer is very good. The cure rate of stage I oral cancer with treatment is about 90 to 95%. 

  3. Throat Cancer

    Throat cancer means cancer of food pipe (pharynx) or cancer of voice box (larynx).  Treatment depends on the stage of the disease.  Early stage throat cancer can be completely cured by radiotherapy alone, while advanced throat cancers are treated by chemo-radiotherapy or surgery followed by radiotherapy. 

  4. Thyroid Cancer

    Surgery is the main treatment option.  Common thyroid cancers like papillary and follicular variant have extremely high cure rate.  In fact thyroid cancer is one the curable cancers of human body.  This cancer needs to be treated with radioactive iodine after surgery.  Thyroid cancers do not respond to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. 

  5. Stomach and Oesophageal Cancer

    Main treatment option for stomach and lower oesophageal cancer is surgical.  Some of them may need post operative chemotherapy and radiotherapy depending on the stage of the disease.

  6. Liver, Gall Bladder and Pancreas Cancer

    These are aggressive cancers of human body. They are usually detected late and hence their results are not encouraging. However, early diagnosis and a good surgical clearance of the disease may give good results to some patients.  Again surgery is the main treatment option for the early cases while chemotherapy and radiotherapy is reserved for advanced cases.

  7. Colo-Rectal Cancer

    Results of Colo-Rectal cancer is much better than other Gastro-Intestinal cancers. Main treatment option again is radical surgery with removal of disease with all its roots. Some of them may need chemotherapy and radiotherapy before of after operation.

  8. Kidney and Urinary Bladder Cancer

    Surgery is the main treatment option.  Result is usually very good at an early stage.

  9. Prostate Cancer

    a) Early cancer- Radical surgery or Radical radiotherapy.
    b) Advanced cancer- Hormonal treatment.

  10. Gynaecological Cancers

    a) Ovarian cancer : Surgery is the main treatment option followed by chemotherapy in most cases. Result is quite good for     early cancers.

    b) Cervical cancer :   Early cancer – radical surgery or radical radio therapy.  Advanced cancer – concurrent chemo and     radiotherapy.  Result -  quite good for early cancers.

    c) Endometrial cancer : Treatment – Surgery with or without radiotherapy.  May need chemotherapy, depending on the     stage. 
        Result – Good for early cancers.

  11. Lung Cancer

    Early peripheral lung cancers is treated by surgery. However most of the patients come late who are treated by mostly chemotherapy and in certain cases by radiotherapy as well. Result of lung cancer is not very encouraging because patients come late and the disease spreads faster.