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Suit & Legal Proceedings :
All suits and legal proceedings by or against the society shall be in the name of the secretary or such person as shall be appointed by the committee. Any legal suit by a complainant should be only filed in the Sealdah Court, West Bengal.
Alteration/Amendment of Memorandum & Regulations:
The Memorandum and Regulations may be altered, modified, rescinded or added to by special resolutions passed by the 3/4th members in a general meeting called for the purpose.

The Governing Body shall have powers to make, alter, modify or rescinded such Bye-laws & rules as may be considered necessary in the interest of smooth functioning or the society.
Dissolution of Society:
Subject to the provisions of sections 24 & 27 of the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 or any statutory modifications thereof, the Society may be dissolved by a resolution to that effect passed by 3/4th members of the society at a general meeting. The said meeting shall also decide the manner of disbursement of the funds and assets of the Association, if any after dissolution.

We, the undersigned members of the Governing Body of the Society, do hereby certify that the above is' /:rue copy of the Rules and Regulations of Society.
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