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A meeting of Governing Body shall be held at least once in three months at such place, date and time as the president or the secretary may determine. Any four members of the Governing Body may requisition the meeting and the secretary shall summon the same within seven days and failing which the president on the requisitionists may do so provided no business other than specified in the notice shall be transacted at such meeting.
Annual General Meeting :
Notice : The Secretary shall annually call the Annual General Meeting within two months from the end of the last financial year giving at least 15 days notice to all members. The notice shall contain the place date, day and time of meeting.
Agenda : The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting shall be :
  • to confirm the minutes of the last A.G.M. and of special general meeting if any;
  • to adopt with or without modification the report of the working of the Society for the previous year;
  • to pass audited accounts of the Society for the previous year ended;
  • to appoint qualified Auditor or Auditors;
  • to transact such business as may be fixed by the Governing Body;
  • to transact such other business as may be brought forward by giving 15(fifteen) days previous notice from any member;
  • to conduct general election.
Quorum of the meeting : 1/3rd members personally present at the commencement of the meeting shall constitute the quorum.
Manner and Method of Voting : The Chairman of the meeting shall decide the manner and method of voting at the outset of the meeting.
Special General Meeting :
A Special General Meeting may be convened by the Governing Body at any time in view of urgency of the matter. At least 7(seven) days notice shall be given to every member for special general meeting.

Members may request the Governing Body for special General meeting by placing a reqisition signed by 2/3rd of total members. In that case the Governing Body shall convene a special general meeting within a month from the receipt of such notice. In default by the Governing Body, the requistionists shall hold such meeting provided no business other that those specified in the notice shall be transacted.
Extra-Ordinary General Meeting :
The Governing Body may direct to convene an Extra-ordinary general meeting for consideration of addition, alteration or amendment of the regulations of the Society. 7 days notice along with the proposed draft of change shall be sent to members before the meeting. The resolution for change, amendemnt etc. of the Memorandum and Regulations be carried out if accepted by three-forth of the members persent at the meeting.
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