Adoption :

Hand in hand with this process of rehabilitation one of the most important activities of the foundation, through its network of animal – lovers in the city and beyond would be to continually search for suitable homes to place those dogs who, for some reason are on the verge of losing their homes and are up for adoption. On this note, we sincerely appeal to you all to come forward and make a little space in your heart and home and adopt a homeless.

On behalf of the foundation, we humbly request all those owners who for some unavoidable reason have to do away with the dog to first give us a call before taking any such step.

We call Kolkata an animal loving city of fair minded citizens, and it is them whom we urge to think a little more about these unfortunate souls who are to be abandoned on the streets. If you are thinking of bringing a puppy home, why not open your arms a little wider and welcome an abandoned dog into your loving home?

If you want to adopt a home less do give us a call...