As Essayist, Writer, Poet & Journalist –

Dr. Bera was editor Basumati Sahitya Mandir, a World renowned Bengali Publishing House which started with blessings of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. He edited the popular edition of the Mahabharata.Prominent writer of "Bharat Kosha", he has national & international wide reputation as essayist, writer, poet and journalist. He was Associate editor of the Daily Basumati, Chief Editor of Finance & industry and Special Representative of the Asia World in the Far East Countries. In addition to his numerous editorials & post -editorials, his most popular features in the Dairy Basumati was "Darshekar Chokhe", and in pseudonym "Sri Rajputra" -"Atha Bengama Bengami Katha", etc. He is now Chief Editor of Bayam CharchaPatrika.