Our Vision :


Our main vision is to improve the quality and standard of Musical instruments that we produce. To achieve that goal we have been experimenting for quite a long time with some wonderful results search as “Key Board Key” Style key in Harmoniums which in famous as “Key Board Key Harmonium” and 4 set reeds key board key 13 scale changer Folding Boy Harmonium benign exclusively introduced by us in the World of Musical Instruments which have been appreciated by wield range of customers.

We are introducing “Manual Srutiboy” in different site and style shortly and presently we are working to manufacture more precive form of  “DOLSETINA HARMONIUM” and Handy form of 2 set reeds, 3 set reeds vertical Folding Boy Harmonium also Scale Changer Folding Boy Harmonium .

Our main concern in non availability of Quality Teak-woods and other woods that are used as a one of main raw material in manufacturing musical instruments. Thus situation demands for diversification. Therefore we are thinking on alternative raw materials such as melded fiber and seasoned plywood etc. for manufacturing musical instruments. In course of time our revolutionary ideas will prove to be immensely beneficial to Musical Instrument Player which in turn will please all musical instrument player and musician round the Globe.

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