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Ghosh Yoga School


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Younger son Biswanath Ghosh Biswanath Supporting elephant
on chest (Fuji TV, Tokyo)
Biswanath supporting Road
Roller on chest, Behind Head, Byayamacharyya,
(Fuji TV, Tokyo)
160 Lbs. heavy, Iron Ball balancing on teeth
by Biswanath

Beginning of wide special show
at Fuji TV, Japan, to determine
the stronger between Japan &
India, Biswanath Shaking hand
and exchanging flower with opponent Japanese Captain
(India beat Japan)

Bharat Sree Kamal Bhandari coiling flat Iron Bar by teeth
Bisu & Bikram in front of
Bikram Yoga School, Los Angeles
Biswanath with
Sumo Wrestler Konisiki
Biswanath, Bikram &
Abdul Karim Jabbar (USA)

Muktamala teaching yoga to Kay Walker from U.K.
(Please note these asanas are not a series)
Deep breathing with chest expansion [1] Deep breathing with chest
expansion [2]
Trunk twisting
Back kicking in Quadruped position Back kicking in Quadruped
Jasthi Asana with lifting
of buttocks
Ustra Asana Hala Asana Sarbanga Asana
Sarbanga Asana Bhibhaktapada Paschimotta Asana Utthan Pada Asana
Ardhamatsendra Asana Suryaved Pranayam Bhramari

Muktamala teaching yoga to Mark Lipsch from USA & Manon from France
(Please note these asanas are not a series)
Suryaved Pranayam Pavanmuktaasan Bhramari
Ardha Chandrasan Uthan Pada Asana  

Muktamala teaching yoga to Bruce Mencias & Caleb from USA
(Please note these asanas are not a series)
Utkatasan Uthan Pada Asana Modified Sethu Bandhan Asan
Ekpada Salavasan Dhanurasan Bhujangasan
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