Our range of products already in the commercialisation stage includes custom desigfled home lighting system in dc mode. (BPS in grid integrated mode which is more efficient using the same surface insolation Panel area than standard MNES, DC designs. There are also IBPS systems adapted for standalone use. Currently Research & Study/Development work is being conducted on the following spheres of pragmatic applicability. The research covers both finding new sources and methodologies of renewable energy generation & for bettering those methodologies & improving upon efficiencies where the sources have already been harnessed & the methodology of harnessing each type already present. Alongside work in the field of renewable energy some focus is also being centred on alternative energy sources and energy conservation. It is important to note that much of the study and research being carried out by us is pioneering in Indian subcontinent.

Some of the important practicable fields of research enumerated below they are:

1) Designing & developing micro and mini capacity grid integrated wind generation systems for installation in semi-urban and urban built up areas.

(2) Developing standalone wind/solar hybrid generators for use in remote and isolated regions.
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