Diseases Reviewed









Of this very commonly known disease we may not know the name of the Hero or the prime cause but we all may agree, without hesitation, about the name of the Villain and that is "Sugar" or glucose. But is it true at all?


The onset and advancement of the disease happens, silently and usually beyond the knowledge of even the patient. Then some day in search of something else or during Routine Test it reveals its quiet presence or detrimental prevalence. It Is not that the disease in its initial state is very painful or appears with threats on life but owing to its influence the physiological structure and its operational rhythm, the vital force of life steadily crumbles down. The disease dwindles the internal strength of the body to slowly and steadily leading to the clutches of death. Diet control with walking and exercise may reduce some symptoms but the internal destruction continues.


As we know generally, when the glucose level in blood is higher than the normal level we diagnose the disease as Diabetes. Diabetes Mellitus. As the prime cause it is known as malfunctioning of Pancreas or reduced secretion of Insulin or qualitative deficiency of Insulin secreted.


If the cause of Diabetes could be limited within Pancreas or Insulin then injecting Insulin from outside should have surely always reduced the glucose level in the blood and restore the patient to normalcy, to carry on with his routine work with full of energy and normal cellular metabolism of carbo-hydrates restored to eradicate any trace of diabetic symptoms and stop damaging the physiological structures and operational rhythm of the systems. But the fact is that the insulin only partly controls glucose level. Neither it always brings the glucose level down to normal nor restores the physical ability to normal conditions. Not only that diet control remains enforced but internal system degeneration continues unabaled. Also occasionally Insulin has failed to control glucose level as desired. Does it prove that even if there may be a primary relation of Insulin with Diabetes, the root cause of Diabetes is embedded somewhere else?


A very common incident needs to be closely judged. If sugar is applied on a bleeding wound hemorrhage stops. So sugar is haemostatic. In that case the hemorrhage of a high diabetic patient from any wound should stop immediately or at least there should be considerably less hemorrhage. But in reality the fact is just the reverse. Does it indicate there is something wrong somewhere on our assessment of Diabetes? And if it is so then that we look down upon Sugar, as poison is it true? That what the world knows so far about Diabetes is all wrong?


The Sugar level in blood is so important that if it goes down a minimum level we collapse for want of basic energy supply, like an engine for want of petrol, how can such an essential, life sustaining source of energy or fuel be termed as poison? Is it that from this point, for simplification of the cause of Diabetes, we are hatching on a wrong impression? Are we fooling others and ourselves? Is diabetes a twin brother of Thalassaemia who always keeps wearing musk of Sugar? That whenever we took at it we can see only Sugar Nothing else? Are our knowledge and wisdom blunt enough to penetrate through the musk to look into its depth? Is the cure of Diabetes impossible? Have we ever tried to know what is diabetes? Can a disease be the synonym of a carbohydrate, Sugar? Are all our lines of thinking limited to controlling of sugar only? May we thing otherwise for once? "This excess Sugar is balancing a detrimental effects of a deranged state of body metabolism? Reasons?


Why then

  1. When Sugar is haemostatic; why then the hemorrhagic tendency of a high diabetic patient increases, instead of decreasing?

  2. When the Hemoglobin level of anemic patients are brought to normal level by transfusion they become normal. Will the Diabetic patient be equally normal and fit when by infusing adequate medicine and Insulin the glucose levels are brought down to normal levels? And will he be out of danger?

  3. When the influence of Insulin reduces sugar level why it happens so that Insulin also looses its effectiveness when the disease Diabetes attains its maturity? Is it as a process of life saving that general painkillers do not work in the case of Angina Pectoris to indicate the gravity of the situation?

  4. If by excess walking and exercise the glucose level is tried to bring down to normal level why the damages on Eye, Myocardium and Kidney are aggravated?

  5. Why both the Fasting and PP levels of Sugar are disturbed?

  6. What is the importance of Fasting level of Sugar?

  7. Why the body metabolism cannot be brought to equilibrium only with the PP level of Sugar?

  8. Why the Fasting sugar level of a healthy person cannot be brought down further towards zero level without the symptoms of hypoglycemia?

  9. Why the Fasting level of diabetic patient increases when PP level could well indicate diabetic syndrome?

  10. Why there are chances of hypoglycemia when the sugar levels of a high diabetic patient is tried to be brought down to normal level with still lesser diet and medicine?

  11. Why the sugar levels of an diabetic patients are not maintained to normal with medicine as in the case of hypertension patients?

  12. Why the diabetic patients are to go for starvation in the name of "Diet Control" if their sugar levels can be maintained to normal with Insulin etc.?

  13. Without "Diet Control" / restrictions is it possible to maintain Sugar to normal level?

  14. What is next to Insulin?

  15. If by applying adequate medicine the levels of sugar of a diabetic patient arc brought down to normal levels will the cellular metabolism of carbo-hydrates be restore to work normally? Will they be relieved from diet control? And free of body systems degeneration? 

Are the answers clear in our minds?


We may consider that the Fasting Glucose level is our "Reserve Level" and below that rate of conversion of glucose into energy will be reducing and body power will also be reduced. For a non-diabetic patient under such circumstances no state of emergency or great uncomfortable situation arises. But for a high diabetic patient the fasting glucose remains maintained at a higher level and if lowered below that the bodily power diminished rapidly, producing an emergency state of hypoglycemia. Why this higher level of "Fasting Glucose" in case of diabetic patient compared to a non-diabetic one? What is the need of this excess glucose level in maintenance of biochemical balance within the body? Is it that this extra glucose acts as pies to balance some other inhibited poison in the body? Is it that by measuring the level of glucose we are indirectly measuring the level of that poison? Is it due to that reduction of equivalent / balancing glucose that the inhibited poison gets more influencing ground to engulf the patient and cause more physiological derailment?


In this context, automatically comes the next question. Is the need of glucose in blood is only for the production of energy through chemical transformation or something else also? If it was only to produce energy then glucose level could logically be brought down further towards zero level without any hypoglycemic discomfort and symptoms. But if brought down even in a non-diabetic case, hypoglycemic symptoms start expressing slowly and gradually, but not so prominently as in the case of a diabetic patient, which is expressed quite prominently. So it can well be that a part of glucose content in blood is engaged against something else, remains in balance with that something. What is that something else? Is it the effects of derangement of Bone marrow to produce more of "Glycosylated Hemoglobin", due to adverse effects of some unbalancing influence / Sodium in our body? Is it that Gly.Hb % in blood acts as the indicator of derangement of Bone marrow and defects of blood produced there from?


It has been noticed that a part of Hemoglobin of blood remains as Glycosylated Hemoglobin. For a normal human being it is about 5%. If for reasons stated above, the Gly.Hb% in blood increases both the glucose levels of blood increases maintaining some proportional relation and that at higher levels of Gly.Hb., the levels of glucose become ,more and more unstable, varying widely under minimal influencing factors. At this stage managements of Diabetes becomes very difficult. When the Gly.Hb% crosses past 10% control over sugar levels tends to get lost. So there seems to have a confirmed relation between Glucose and GIy.Hb and glucose levels of blood with Gly.Hb%. And if through rectification of Bone marrow, the Gly.Hb% can be controlled, indirectly, the glucose levels of blood get controlled. The recovery and cure from Diabetes will be along a completely different line of thinking and process. This is away from the present convcntional diabetes management which are 1) Controlling sugar input through diet contra!. 2) Promoting discharge of a part of excess sugar through urine by medicine 3) Effort to bring down glucose through Insulin therapy. While the present conventional thinking is for Diabetes Management. The new line of thinking is for radical cure from Diabetes.


While assessing the disease Diabetes, we may have a general overall view that even if one of the prime causes of glucose in blood is to produce vital energy for our survival as fuel, yet it may be divided into two parts. Below the Fasting Level the Reserve Glucose is "Not for conversion into energy" and the glucose content between Fasting and PP Levels is "For conversion into energy". To maintain the Convertible part of glucose to a desired minimum level so that PP Level comes down, may be the only area, scope and limitation of present day Diabetes Management"


Theoretically, another probability may be taken into consideration that if excess of Gly. Hb% over the normal level of 5% can play so havoc to cause Diabetes, what benefit could be achieved if it may be possible to be lowered to 1 or 2. Will they be untiringly laborious? Ever-winning marathon runner? Unconquerable boxer or wrestler?

Superman? As Glycosylated Hb. originates from the bone marrow, which is again closely related to gene, the hereditary nature of Diabetes also gets confirmed.


In the treatment of Diabetes in our Research Centre for Incurable Diseases position of Gly. Hb% to specify the degree of deterioration of bone marrow, is given more importance and as secondary, glucose levels. We are rectifying the defects of bone marrow to normalize the Gly.Hb% in blood. As it comes down sugar levels come down and diabetic symptoms disappear, Those who used to get the pinch of Insulin injection can enjoy chips of potato and all decontrol of diet, restored with full energy and vigour to forget that someday he got entangled with "Life Imprisoned to Death" otherwise called "DIABETES"


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